Welcome to My Tutorials

Rectangle Blend Tutorial

Please note: With recent changes to Google sites, some of my links may no longer work. Please let me know if you find a broken link, or if you cannot open a tutorial, send me an Email, and I will send you the tutorial and supplies.

I have no restrictions on how my tutorials or tubes or lessons are used.

If you are a beginner with Paint Shop Pro you can find some PSP lessons HERE but the links need to be updated.

If you want refresher tutorials, my Learning Tutorials are HERE and again the links need updating.

A few of my Tubes are HERE

Links to my Creation Tutorials are to the left on this page. All tutorials are my creations. Some masks and tubes are from share groups, and some are my creations. Please use or share my tutorials as you wish, or link to my site. Most of my creation tutorials use few or no filters and allow you to use your own tubes and images. If any special items such as masks are required, they can be downloaded with the tutorials. The tutorials can be viewed on line or downloaded and saved for future use.

Jean Jordan has created PSP Scripts for several of my tutorials. You will see notes on the left navigation bar if there is a PSP script included with a tutorial. Please visit the site of Jean Jordan. She has other PSP scripts there and also some beautiful tubes.

If you have questions, please contact me at betty.renick@gmail.com